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Health Monitoring

Health Checks are designed to identify any early warning health signs and also help you stay healthy. During the Health Check consultation, you will receive information on your waist circumference, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol levels and the predicted risk of you developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease over the next five years.

One of our friendly pharmacists will explain your results and provide advice on lifestyle changes that could help you reduce your risk of developing any future health problems. We also are able to liaise with your GP if we feel any health issues that need to be further investigated. That way, you can get the right treatment and care, and more information and support as required. At the end of the consultation, you will receive a comprehensive report of your results to keep and refer to in the future.

Why is a health check important?

Chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, are the leading cause of ill health, disability and death in Australia. They have a significant impact on our Health System. These diseases are mostly preventable and manageable through early screening. This is why Family Pharmacy has introduced a health check and lifestyle modification tool for you.

What happens at the apppointment?

Here at Family Pharmacy, Health Checks are private and confidential consultations and take about 20-30 minutes. Your pharmacist will ask a series of questions about your health, family history, lifestyle, diet and exercise habits. Following this your pharmacist will measure your total and HDL cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose, height, weight and waist circumference. Using some of this information your pharmacist will then assess your risk of developing health problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. You’ll receive a report of your results along with lifestyle recommendations and a referral to your GP if anything is outside of the target range.

Here at Family Pharmacy, we look forward to assisting you in Managing Your Health Better

At Family Pharmacy our number one concern is the health of patients, if at all you are uncertain of your health status our team hear can conduct a free health check for you and unlike other pharmacies, we do not charge a cent for this service.

The health check includes:

  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Flu Vaccines
  • Blood glucose monitoring
  • Weight loss programs monitoring
  • Quit smoking
  • Vitamin and supplement support
  • Medication management
  • Skin assessment for dry skin rashes and infections

Please contact us below if you have any questions.

Family Pharmacy Granville

The NUMBER 1 Family owned Pharmacy serving the local community for over 40 years. Experience how we can help you with all your medication and health needs and ask about our free services!