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Medication Packing

What is Medication Packing?

At Family Pharmacy we take care of your health very professionally.  We take that extra step to provide you with The Complete Medication Packing Service. This service is designed to help you organise your daily medications in a Blister Pack which then helps you to take the right pills, at the right dose, at the right time. All your medications are packaged in the Blister Pack based on information provided by you and your Doctor. As a team, Your Friendly Pharmacist at Family Pharmacy and your Doctor work together with you to ensure you are taking your medicines as prescribed for the best possible health outcome.

How does it work?

Family Pharmacy dispenses your medications and packs them for you in a sealed, tamper-evident device.

The pack will contain information such as:

  • Your name
  • Pharmacy details
  • Names and descriptions (shape, colour) of your medicines
  • Directions for each medicine
  • Date and day of the week/li>
  • Time of each dose
  • The fee for the service is $4.00 per pack per week

Blister pack:

A week’s worth of medication is set out in a sealed blister pack, with spaces for four doses per day. It sets out all the tablets and capsules that need to be taken at each particular time of the day, for each day of the week. The blister pack is single-use and disposable after use for your convenience.

Who should use this service?

Anyone who is on regular medication and/or vitamins can benefit from this service, including domestic and international travellers to ensure you have sufficient supplies before your trip. Medication packing is safe and easy to use.

Ask your Family Pharmacy Staff or come in for a chat with our Pharmacists for more information on this helpful service.

Please contact us below if you have any questions.

Family Pharmacy Granville

The NUMBER 1 Family owned Pharmacy serving the local community for over 40 years. Experience how we can help you with all your medication and health needs and ask about our free services!